PennyPictures by Dennis Penny

Photographer Dennis Penny

To view Photographic Albums please click below.

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To view Photographic Albums please click below.
Horse Racing

Dot Teal Horse Racing - Kelso Racecourse
Dot Teal Horse Racing - Perth Racecourse
Dot Teal Horse Racing - Other Courses
Dot Teal Horse Racing - Miscellaneous
Dot Teal Horse Racing - Jockeys
Dot Teal Horse Racing - Training
Further Equestrian
Dot Teal Point To Point
Dot Teal Horse Shows
Dot Teal Carriage Driving
Dot Teal Polo
Dot Teal Jousting
Dot Teal Equine Artist

Dot Blue BeachVolleyball
Dot Blue Rugby
Dot Blue Cricket
Dot Blue Cycling
Dot Blue Raceboard
Dot Blue Canoeing
Dot Blue Car Racing
Dot Blue Bike Racing
Dot Blue Strongman
Dot Blue Waterskiing
Dot Blue Highland Games
Dot Blue Surfing and Kite Yachting
Dot Blue Extreme Bridge Jumping

Dot Green Birds
Dot Green Zoos
Dot Green Insects
Dot Green Animals
Dot Green Botanical
Dot Green Nature Reserves
Dot Green Airport Wildlife
Dot Green Scottish Owl Centre

Edinburgh Airport
Dot Black Airlines 2025
Dot Black Airlines To 2024
Dot Black Cargo
Dot Black Military
Dot Black General
Dot Black Biz Jets/Props
Dot Black Wildlife at Airport
Other Airports-Airfields
Dot Black Fife Airport
Dot Black Perth Airport
Dot Black Balado and East Fortune Airfields
Dot Black Dundee Airport
Dot Black San Javier Airport
Dot Black Portmoak (Gliders)
Air Displays
Dot Black Airshows
Dot Black Displays and FlyPasts
Dot Black Fife Flights
Dot Black Window Seat
Other Aircraft
Dot Black Helicopters
Dot Black Scottish Air Ambulance
Dot Black Spitfire
Dot Black Catalina
Dot Black BN Islander
Dot Black Dragon Rapide
Dot Black Vulcan Bomber
Dot Black Images Digitally Revised
Dot Black Aircraft Movies
Dot Black Eye On The Sky

Orange Dot Scotland - Fife
Dot Orange Scotland Other Counties

Orange Dot Overseas

Orange Dot Maritime Vessels

Orange Dot Forth Bridges

Orange Dot Railways

Orange Dot Vintage Car Rallies

Dot Green Infra-Red
Dot Green Intentional Camera Movement
Dot Green Macro
Dot Green Tilt and Shift

Orange Dot Fireworks

Orange Dot Digital Revision

Orange Dot Published Photographs

Orange Dot The Sky

Orange Dot Movies

This website contains photographs taken by Dennis Penny an amateur photographer living in Dunfermline, Scotland. The photographs cover a variety of different subjects and styles and can be viewed by using the Album headings above.

Car Racing

A variety of cameras have been used over the years. Currently the SLR being used is an Olympus OM-1 with a variety of different Olympus lenses, however the most used lenses are the Olympus 40-150mm and an Olympus 100-400mm.

While this is not a commercial venture, any of the images displayed may be purchased for a nominal fee (only if this does not conflict with any commercial image rights of 3rd parties). For further details please contact me using the email address shown below. emlink

Horse Racing

Albums contain images of a whole range of subjects. Landscapes can be found as well as images from travel photography. The travel photographs are more likely to have been taken using compact cameras. The technical data (EXIF) for all the images on this site can be viewed in each album.


Included in the site are several albums of sporting events. These include Equestrian events from Horse Racing to Show Jumping, with Polo, Carriage Driving and Horse Trials also being covered. These events mainly taking place at venues in Scotland.

Requests to use these sporting images have been received from several publications. Also images have been supplied to individuals connected with equestrian events such as racehorse owners and trainers.
Other sports are covered from fast paced Motor Sports both car and bike racing to a perhaps a more sedate sport of Cricket.
Although the capturing of the action may be seen as the purpose of sports photography where possible photographs are included showing some of the background to the event. All the sports photographs are taken from areas used by spectators with no special access or privileges being sought or granted.


Also a general interest in aircraft has resulted in aviation photography being added to my portfolio. The aim being where possible to avoid standard record shots and create images that are a bit different.


Aviation photography can therefore be a challenging subject with the weather, light and types of aircraft all playing a part. Like Sports photography taking Aviation photographs gives me the thrill as a photographer of capturing the decisive moment that once past has gone never to be repeated.

In addition to general aviation being covered at Edinburgh Airport albums of photographs taken at Air Shows and also Gliders near Kinross are also included.


Privately owned aircraft using Fife. Balado and Perth air fields are interesting to photograph due the variety of aircraft flown there. Although aviation photography is a new subject for me the images have been well received. Requests to purchase these images coming from airline pilots, airlines and a major aircraft engine manufacturer.


While taking photographs at Edinburgh Airport an unexpected bonus has resulted as it has turned out to be a good source for wildlife photography. From Ospreys to Deer have been photographed within feet of the airport perimeter fence.


While Digital Images are the main medium used on this site there are a few Movies. These are short clips where the Movie function on the camera has been used or Time Lapse sequences deliberately created and where a sequence of stills taken of some action have been joined together.

Loch Voil

There are other albums covering various subjects and photographic techniques. To visit them simply use the menu at the top of the page or the Sitemap below. There are also albums containing samples of photographs. Navigation in all the Albums is the same as software created by JAlbum is used.


Maritime photographs can also be viewed. Living close to the River Forth allows for a variety of shipping to be photographed from pleasure craft to cruise liners. Also the bridges that span the Forth allow vessels to be photographed with iconic backdrops.


HomeLogoS Navigation through this site can also be achieved by using a site map there is a Text version and one based on Thumbnails.

HomeLogoS You may like to visit other websites created by Dennis Penny:-

QP Based on the River Forth Ferries, and career of Capt. John Penny.

Spitfire Based on the Pilot Logbook of Robert "Bert" Penny.
Envelope Please email me at


Website designed and created by Dennis Penny
Copyright © 2007 -